At Osa Mayor Foundation, our team is dedicated to healing ourselves in order to work together in sisterhood and uphold our mission and vision. We embrace motherhood values and are committed to guarding the principles of the foundation, meet the guardians who make it all possible.
Nancy Paola Chávez Arias
President of the Matricouncil
Mother of two daughters, social anthropologist and activist. She holds a PhD in Cultural and Social Studies of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, and a Master's degree in Social Sciences from the Autonomous University of Quintana Roo. Her lines of research focus on midwifery, sexual and reproductive rights, and pedagogical processes and certification of competencies.
She has been a speaker at national and international colloquiums, and has published in books and journals globally on midwifery, gender and intercultural health issues.
She is a representative of Fundación Osa Mayor, participates in advocacy processes for the legalization of birthing homes and the promotion of strategies that favor the autonomy and sustainability of midwives, and the eradication of gender violence against mothers.
She is part of the National Midwifery Council, which promotes cabinet work with the federal government to publicize the midwifery model as an autonomous disciplinary field.
Nancy deeply believes that social change lies in women's wombs where the power to create the world we want to live in resides, so that the next generations will be more loving, caring, and dignifying. Her greatest achievement has been to uphold her freedom and that of other women to decide where, how and accompanied by whom to give birth, in a world that is not yet designed for it.
Sabrina Speich
Secretary of the Matricouncil
Sabrina Speich Mother of eight home-born children, certified birth attendant and activist. With an academic background in psychology.
Born in Switzerland, naturalized Mexican, she has accompanied more than 700 women in their births.
She has studies in natural medicine, homeopathy, herbalism, prevention of gender violence and victim care. She has different certifications, trainings, diplomas, and has participated in different national and international colloquiums related to the field of traditional midwifery and maternal health.
She was coordinator of regulation and certification at the Mexican Association of Midwifery, where she promoted the certification process of essential competencies in midwifery, in which she is currently an examiner and affiliate of the NETWORK of Certified Midwives. At the Mayan Intercultural University of Quintana Roo, she was a professor and advised the projects of Casa de la Salud and Intercultural Doulas funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
She is a director of the Osa Mayor Foundation, and founder of the School of Midwives (Escuela de Parteras) and La Cueva de la Partera.
Sabrina is deeply committed to social change through the voice of mothers, of the Great Mother. Her greatest achievement is that the women who receive her care are inspired to transform their realities into free motherhoods in their neighborhoods, communities and territories.
Viviana Caamal
The Scribe
Of Yucatecan Mayan roots, she was born in Chetumal. Her work is focused on three areas: development of academic and cultural projects in favor of vulnerable groups, research in social sciences and creative writing. Her mission at the Osa Mayor Foundation is to accompany in the management and organizational assistance, as well as in the development of social projects that contribute to the growth of the work group and that the impact expands for the benefit of mothers and their families.
Her favorite activity is writing short stories tales.